Why Patched?

“Patched” is a web based platform that brings neighbors and friends together to steward open spaces in their neighborhoods and connect community through garden sharing. The goal is to solve the following:

  • User Type 1: City Dwellers who want to enjoy the gardening work but don't have the access to garden space
  • User Type 2: Homeowners with yard sapce but doesn't have time or skill to do the yard and gardening work.
  • Limited availability for public p-patch lot. It usually takes more than a year to sign up for a public garden lot
  • Connect the community and allowing the home owners to share their under utilized garden space

How does "Patched" work?

"Patched" provides the platform to connect the house owners and urban dwellers based on the map search and available yard listings. This service helps to bring both users together and share the mutual benefits


User Flow Diagram


Wire Frame Flow Chart


Data Base Structure


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